What a brilliant night!! Everyone had fun and I banked £221.60 in total!! Thanks so much.
Friday I was hit by the dreaded flu bug and by Sunday I was really wondering if I was every going to survive the evening, so dosed up with as many remedies as I dared take together I ploughed into organising a very hectic event!! With a few teams dropped out due to other commitments and illness we had 9 teams which on reflection was probably enough anyway, but it was still a bit of a logistical nightmare as the games were very difficult to predict the length of time they would take and each game varied, but everyone seemed happy to just go with the flow and enjoy themselves. The Games Challenge was a Tie between Claire's and Adie's team, the Quiz was won by Karen's team with Hetty's team a close second and the team name winners were 'The Mutley Crew' and a very motley crew they are too.The food was fantastic so a big thank you to Steve and Claire, also thanks to Great Western Wines for their contribution to the prizes and Tesco for a raffle prize.
Sorry there aren't more pictures but I put my camera down and forgot where I'd left it!!! Need a new brain I think. I'm going to bed now to sleep for the rest of the week!!
Thanks again to everyone that contributed including some of the teams that couldn't make it but made a contribution anyway. Hmmm what to organise next?