Sunday, 1 February 2015

A very big thank you to Su and Marcus for a fabulous evening with their great friends and neighbours, lots more money raised for Dorothy House.

A really lovely informal gathering hosted by Su and Marcus to help raise some money for my Trek. Good food, nice refreshments and above all great company.
The evenings entertainment courtesy of Marcus and Steve, all I can say Marcus is I'm glad you friend had a 'Detached Retina' and not something more personal!!!!
Steve is sitting on his instrument! it was really quite fascinating listening to the music he could make from a 'box'. He even accompanied Marcus with a song he had never even heard before let alone practised.
Donations were all very generous so again thank you all a very much appreciated boost to the funds.



Lots of interest for the Pubs Games Challenge so looks as if it will be a really fun evening. Be for-warned I will be fining people for bad language, cheating and any other inappropriate behaviour!

Don't forget to register as soon as possible so get your teams together, you will be able to choose 6 games to compete in and you can use your best players for each game. It will be a great night so get picking!
Get your heads together and come up with a really good team name, not too rude please!! we'll be looking for originality and amusement. These will be judged on the night so you don't have to have your team name to register.
Got a bit of leg work to do this week going to beg for some good prizes for the winning team and team name, maybe a booby prize or two as well. Any suggestions or donations please let me know.
It has amazed me since I started telling everyone I was going to do this challenge how many people have, or knows someone who has done similar challenges on The Great Wall, all say it is quite difficult but very rewarding and China is an amazing country.
It's only 6 months until we do our training weekend, 3 peaks in 2 days! Lots of hill to climb before then.



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